Info for Schools
Info for Schools

Info for Schools

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Is your school interested in being part of this study? Send us an email at and

What is this study?

The goal of the Writing Pathways Initiative is to bring coherence to writing instruction by:

  • collecting daily data on the methods and tools used to teach writing from over 100 classrooms for a full academic year
  • using this data to build a logical progression of writing skills—a writing pathway—that educators across the country can use in their classrooms

Who is being included in Phase II of this study?

We are looking for groups of teachers within a school to participate. Those teachers should teach 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th grade and should teach a content area that involves regular writing (e.g., English, History). Some schools would be treatment schools whereas others would be control schools.

What will I be asked to do as a participating teacher?

  • Treatment school teachers will incorporate the writing pathway into their curriculum, fill out a daily 2-minute survey about their writing instruction that day, give a pre- and post-test to their students, and meet with the team for one (1) hour six (6) times during the year.
  • Control school teachers will only give the pre and post-test and fill out the survey once a week.

What compensation will teachers receive?

  • Each treatment school teacher will be compensated $2,000 for the year.
  • Each control school teacher will be compensated $450 for the year.
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